Monitoring Benefit
The Custom URL test ping checks and confirms the server or endpoint is reachable, ensuring continuous availability for end-users. The test also monitors the latency from the webserver to the private or public website or endpoint.
The Cutom URL test also monitors HTTPS status and can detect SSL/TLS certificate expiration, preventing outages due to invalid certificates and identify potential issues such as weak encryption or misconfiguration
How do we verify the monitoring test results?
From the Enow web server ping the http/s endpoint or server to ensure it is reachable (must be set to respond to ping).
To verify Latency, run a traceroute command through command prompt from the Enow web server to the http/s endpoint or server.
To verify the custom url certificate check, one can use invoke-webrequest using powershell (example below)
# Define the URL of the HTTPS endpoint
$url = ""
# Perform the web request and capture the response
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing
# Extract the certificate details from the response
$certificate = $response.BaseResponse.ServicePoint.Certificate
# Display the certificate information
Subject = $certificate.Subject
Issuer = $certificate.Issuer
ExpirationDate = $certificate.GetExpirationDateString()
EffectiveDate = $certificate.GetEffectiveDateString()
Thumbprint = $certificate.GetCertHashString()
Protocol = $response.BaseResponse.ServicePoint.ProtocolVersion
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